
A dynamic parser generator tool for TypeScript/JavaScript

Project maintained by ghadeeras Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


CI Build

The Scanner / Lexical Analyzer

The next level up in language construction is to build a scanner, or a lexical analyzer. This would take a stream of characters as input and spit out a stream of tokens or lexemes as output. Each type of tokens is associated with a regular expression that recognizes instances of the token type. The scanner basically tries to consume the longest string of characters that matches the regular expression of a token type, outputs it, then tries to consume the next token. If it encounters a string of characters it could not recognize, it produces an error token. Finally, if it reaches the end of the character stream, it outputs an EOF (end of file) token.

Defining the Scanner

To follow is an example of how to build or define a scanner:

import * as s from ""

// Reusable regular expressions.
const lowerCaseChar = s.charIn("a-z")
const upperCaseChar = s.charIn("A-Z")
const alphaChar = s.choice(lowerCaseChar, upperCaseChar)
const numericChar = s.charIn("0-9")
const alphaNumericChar = s.choice(alphaChar, numericChar)

class MyScanner extends s.Scanner {

    readonly whiteSpace = this.string(s.oneOrMore(s.charFrom(" \t\r\n")))
    readonly identifier = this.string(s.concat(
    readonly literalNumber = this.float(s.concat(

    // Operators
    readonly opPlus = this.boolean(s.char("+"))
    readonly opMinus = this.boolean(s.char("-"))
    readonly opMul = this.boolean(s.char("*"))
    readonly opDiv = this.boolean(s.char("/"))
    readonly opPow = this.boolean(s.char("^"))

    // Delimiters
    readonly delOpenParen = this.boolean(s.char("("))
    readonly delCloseParen = this.boolean(s.char(")"))


By extending the Scanner class, a few useful methods become available to you, suh as this.string(), this.float(), this.boolean(), and others. These method define token types, and we pass to them the regular expressions that recognize them.

Using the Scanner

Lets continue the example above and add the following code:

const myScanner = new MyScanner()
const expression = "amplitude * sin(2.0 * pi * frequency * time + phase) + bias"
const stream = new s.TextInputStream(expression)
for (let token of myScanner.iterator(stream)) {
    const tokenTypeName = myScanner.tokenTypeName(token.tokenType)
        `Token '${token.lexeme}' of type '${tokenTypeName}' at [Line: ${token.position.line}, Column: ${token.position.column}]`

In the code above, we create a scanner, then use its iterator() method to iterate over the tokens in a stream of characters. For each token, we print the lexeme (the actual sub-string that matches a token type regular expression), the token type, and the position it was found at.

The output would look like this:

Token 'amplitude' of type 'identifier' at [Line: 1, Column: 1]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 10]     
Token '*' of type 'opMul' at [Line: 1, Column: 11]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 12]     
Token 'sin' of type 'identifier' at [Line: 1, Column: 13]   
Token '(' of type 'delOpenParen' at [Line: 1, Column: 16]   
Token '2.0' of type 'literalNumber' at [Line: 1, Column: 17]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 20]     
Token '*' of type 'opMul' at [Line: 1, Column: 21]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 22]     
Token 'pi' of type 'identifier' at [Line: 1, Column: 23]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 25]
Token '*' of type 'opMul' at [Line: 1, Column: 26]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 27]
Token 'frequency' of type 'identifier' at [Line: 1, Column: 28]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 37]
Token '*' of type 'opMul' at [Line: 1, Column: 38]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 39]
Token 'time' of type 'identifier' at [Line: 1, Column: 40]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 44]
Token '+' of type 'opPlus' at [Line: 1, Column: 45]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 46]
Token 'phase' of type 'identifier' at [Line: 1, Column: 47]
Token ')' of type 'delCloseParen' at [Line: 1, Column: 52]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 53]
Token '+' of type 'opPlus' at [Line: 1, Column: 54]
Token ' ' of type 'whiteSpace' at [Line: 1, Column: 55]
Token 'bias' of type 'identifier' at [Line: 1, Column: 56]
Token 'EOF' of type 'EOF' at [Line: 1, Column: 60]